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Microsoft Access 2000 Evaluation
Learn about new features in the latest version of Microsoft Access, plus pricing, system requirements, and how to order.

Access 2000 Tour
See the new features of Access 2000 in action.
Access 2000 Product Enhancements Guide
Gain a detailed understanding of how Access 2000 improves the way organizations find and manage data. Discover new features that help users create databases, and learn how users can use Web browsers to share data, perform data entry, and analyze data. Also, check out how Access can now act as a front end to high-end database engines such as Microsoft SQL Server™.
Access 2000 Data Engines
Analyze the benefits provided by each of the two engines available to Access 2000 databases: Microsoft Jet 4.0 and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE). You can learn about the many new features available through MSDE and determine which engine to use for your Access projects.
Pricing & Ordering
Find pricing for Access 2000 and a link to ordering it online.
System Requirements
Find the requirements your computer needs to meet to run Access 2000.

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